Monday, May 28, 2012

Pig Dissection: The Beginning

Here you can see the rump of the pig and you can see the anus, where waste exits the body.

Pig Dissection: The Mouth

Here is a picture of the inside of the pig's mouth. You can see the glottis, which prevents food from entering the trachea and allows food to continue down the esophagus. The glottis is a piece of cartilage that covers the trachea when food enters the mouth.

Pig Dissection: The Beginning

Here is the pig before it was dissected. You can see the skin and the umbilical cord. The skin protects the inner organs from becoming damaged and the umbilical cord provides nutrients from the mother to the fetus while it is still growing and maturing.

Pig Dissection: Nerves

Here is a nerve, under the skin of the pig and it is used to send impulses to the body, so the body can perform its functions correctly.

Pig Dissection: Spine

Here is a part of the spine from the pig. This part of the spine connected to the ribs and had nerves around it to send impulses throughout the body. The spine is essential to the structure of the body and helps the body maintain its function.

Pig Dissection: Nervous System

This is the pig's brain. You can tell in this picture that the pig had a blood clot in the brain and could and the blood was not flowing correctly throughout the brain. The brain controls the bodily functions and controls the senses. The brain has many parts and has two hemispheres. Each hemisphere controls a side of the body. The brain also sends out signals, neurons, to the body to perform tasks.

Pig Dissection: Reproductive System

In this picture, we are trying to show the uterus, vagina, cervix, and ovaries of the pig. You can see the ovary and the Fallopian Tubes but you cannot see the uterus, vagina, and cervix because they are underneath and not accessible to  us. The ovaries hold the follicles and eggs made by the pig. The Fallopian tubes lead into the vagina. The cervix is what leads to the vagina and opens when there is shedding of the lining of the uterus.